Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pre op diet and Surgery Day!! 11-6-13

I never posted about my pre op diet. Oops. Day 1 was kind of rough. I snuck French fries and then made myself go to bed. Day 2 I was a little hungry but less. I didn't cheat at all.

Wednesday was surgery day. I freaked out a few times Tuesday. My dad emailed basically trying to talk me out of the surgery. He said I should be able to eat 1000-1200 cals and do it on my own.  Yes, that would be great BUT.....I really felt like it was time for something drastic. A new tool.

I had to be at the surgery center at 9:30. It went fast.  They did pregnancy test which was negative. YES!  Ha!  Then they put in IV and started it, put on compression socks, hair net, and gave me a shot of blood thinner in my stomach.   I asked everyone I came in contact with if they liked the surgery and if I'd be miserable. Everyone was very encouraging.

I walked into OR at 10:02.  Then I was in recovery. I was confused about the surgery already being over. I wanted to draw up my legs and take my cpap off. Finally I guess I went to sleep or just calmed down. Later they got me up to walk and I just chilled in recovery while eating ice chips and gas x. The nurses were really good about feeding me those strips.  The nurse showed me how to empty my drain and measure it to write it down and how to use an incentive spirometer.  I have to walk 10 min. every hour and use the spirometer every hour.  The dr. also found a hernia while doing an EGD so he fixed it when he was in there. We left the office a little after 2.

The ride home was good.  My sister and her fiancé let us rest a while before bringing the kids home. Then my parent came over and our nephew and his fiancé.  Mama was awesome and did laundry and unloaded and loaded the dishwasher. Mama and sister gave the kids baths too. Super nice!

I have really been surprised at how decent I feel. My main complaint is the gas.  I'm working on walking it off.  Last night I didn't drink a lot I guess but I tried to sip a lot. Today I've been walking and working on liquids. I made a sugar free carnation instant breakfast and added unflavored protein to it.  Not too bad. I'm still not sure how I'm supposed to drink. I don't want it to hurt me if I drink too much at once!

I also want to think everyone for all of the texts and emails!  You know who you are!!

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